Thursday 26 January 2017

Single - Devising Unit (Ghost Stories) - Blog 6 - 26/01/17

Today, we worked out how we would portray an alternative to 9/11 and changed our mind on abortion.

After researching Rob brought forward the idea of Lee Rigby, a man who was slaughtered in the streets by Islamic State supporters. Rob will be performing a monologue written as Danny Cornelius, a witness of the murder of Lee Rigby. Below is the research we found:
"A man haunted by seeing Lee Rigby hacked to death in the street was found hanged, an inquest heard. Danny Cornelius, 38, was described as an isolated man during the hearing. Unemployed, single and childless, he would often stay at his grandparents' home in Elwill Way, Istead Rise, Gravesend. The court heard that he was a victim of two armed robberies as a young man. Firstly as a teenager, his gold chain was stolen at knifepoint, and on another occasion just a couple of years later he was forced to withdraw money from a cashpoint and hand it over, on both occasions by young black men. After that he began to suffer with paranoid schizophrenia, and when his friends started to get married and have children he became disconnected from them."
While Rob wrote his monologue, the rest of us discussed our ideas on the topic of abortion. Although we thought that abortion is a very interesting idea to go with and there are lots of ideas we could test out, we decided to choose something else as abortion is a very touchy subject which may offend some people in the audience. We thought that domestic abuse would be a good idea to go with as it is something that is a recurring issue and it's something we felt more comfortable to perform.

We began discussing a short storyline for the scene:
  • A couple (Lorna and Lewis) start of very happy, but soon, Lewis starts becoming impatient due to work stress and is suggested that he becomes violent once or twice.
  • In the end, Lewis leaves Lorna. Distraught, she can't believe what's happened to her and decides to blame herself for him leaving her. This leaves her socially awkward and afraid of starting a relationship.
We wanted to have a slow movement piece featuring many tableaux showing the stages of their relationship. Below is our movement:
  • Lights up, Lorna and Lewis are standing next to each other and they embrace. Fade to black.
  • Lights up, the pair are lying down at a picnic, Lewis feeds her a strawberry, fade to black.
  • Lights up, the pair are getting married, with Rob as the priest, fade to black.
  • Lights up, Lewis is on his computer sending emails etc. Lorna comes to spend time with Lewis but he tells her to go away, fade to black.
  • Lights up, the pair greet a male friend, Ollie, Lewis goes for a firm handshake whereas Lorna goes for a very friendly handshake. Noticing the pair look very happy chatting, he pulls her closer to him quite aggressively, fade to black.
  • Lights up, Lewis is on the phone to a work colleague and has a notepad to write down info, Lorna enters trying to talk to him and but he, like, last time tells her to leave, fade to black.
  • Lights up, Lewis is talking to Lorna and telling her that things aren't working so he doesn't want to be with her. Distraught, Lorna tries to persuade Lewis to stay but he has already made his mind up and exits, fade to black.
After this we discussed the idea of having a scene afterwards where Lorna is at work and a colleague asks her if she'd like to go out for drinks with him, but she ends up rejecting this because she's scared of this potential boyfriend leaving her later down the line.

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