Thursday 19 January 2017

Single - Devised Unit (Ghost Stories) - Blog 4 - 19/01/17

Today we discussed where we wanted to go with our piece due to some of our ideas not working or becoming dead ends. We originally wanted to focus all of our piece on the story of Ollie's character but we felt this would leave our piece very narrow and linear and not containing much depth to it. I wanted to make our audience think more about our piece by displaying something more creative. We then came up with the idea of hauntings, based on our stimulus of "Ghost Stories" (linking obviously to Ghosts). We wanted to show that different people are affected by different experiences. These different experiences haunt these characters for the rest of their lives and we wanted to show this through different scenes. This small showcase would represent different hauntings.

We didn't want to waste anything from the last few lessons as we did come up with some good ideas. As a result, we're still keeping the idea of a motif which involves frequent alternating scenes. We're also keeping the same idea for a story during these motif scenes as the whole process of Ollie's mental examinations is a great topic to use when we're using people who are getting haunted.

Next lesson we will continue brainstorming ideas for haunting life experiences.

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