Friday 6 January 2017

Triple - Musical Theatre Unit (RENT) - Blog 27 - 06/01/17

Today in Rent, we worked a considerable amount on the transitions and working out things like set and props we haven't yet thought about. These included things like when should a table be taken off, who is taking it off and where it should go after being taken off. In our selection of props under the stage, I found a basket, scrap wood and an empty bottle which I could use in "Today 4 U" where I bring in food etc for Marka and Roger. The only things I'd need for that song is an empty box of cigarettes (Malboro), a packet of ground coffee (Bustelo), a box of cereal (a box of captain crunch would taste so good!) and a bunch of bananas (banana by the bunch). All of these will be easy to find and this would mean I can show off all items Collins mentions in "Today 4 U".

I have only one duty in terms of transitions and that's to take off the armchair we have in place during "You'll See Boys". Besides this, all I have to do is make sure I know when I have to exit and enter and do so.

As well as this, I have a few extra responsibilities:

  • prepare lots of rock band posters for Mark and Rogers apartment.
  • prepare and print the tickets and posters for the performance.
Below are the designs I have made for the tickets and posters for the performance:

The posters I will print out will be of not only the popular rock bands of the era of Rent (80's - 90's music) but I will include timeless rock bands such as Queen. Below are the artists I'll be using:
  • Nirvana
  • Queen
  • Led Zepplin
  • The Rolling Stones
  • Guns n' Roses
  • AC/DC
  • Bon Jovi
  • Metallica
  • Pink Floyd
  • The Beatles
  • Green Day
  • Red Hot Chili Peppers
  • Creedence Clearwater Revival

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