Thursday 12 January 2017

Triple - Musical Theatre Unit (RENT) - Blog 31 -12/01/17

Today we worked on the songs which needed a lot of work and set up the microphones in the performance space.

The mics we have are cbs mics which means they pick up noise in the background. The four of these are on stands in front of the stage so that they are level with our knees. This means that we still need to be loud and we can't drop our volume. The mics aren't a substitute for the need of projection but they're there to assist us!

Below are the songs I worked on:
  • We started off with "Seasons of Love" to get us warmed up and to check that the mics were set up properly. As usual this sounded good and with the mics and our projection we can be heard better over the audience.
  • For "I'll Cover You," Owen and I went over the harmonies beforehand with Tom and Dan. However, despite this my volume is far too low. This is because the harmony is quite low and I find it difficult to project when singing low. Despite when standing nearer to the mic, I can barely be heard over Owen let alone the music. This is an issue we will resolve next lesson.
  • During "Rent" I have to be much louder than everyone else as I'm on the floor in front of the stage without any sort of mic in front of me. Luckily, what I sing in this number is quite high for me which I am able to project better.
  • "Without You" was much better than usual as our movement has been its most believable today. Taylor and Henri's harmonies make the song a lot more emotional.
  • After working on it with Tom, "I'll Cover You (Reprise)" was the best it's ever been by far! I've resolved some of the parts where the song is too high by taking it down especially on "I've long to discover..." line.
Next lesson we will continue working on polishing different songs.

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