Tuesday 17 January 2017

Single - Devised Unit (Ghost Stories) - Blog 3 - 17/01/17

Today we continued planning out our story for our devised unit so that we could plan when and what we're doing each lesson. We began with the idea of some sort of storyline and below is what we've come up with:
  • Opening walk in scene
  • Classroom scene
  • Common Room scene (Physical theatre)
  • Parents scene
  • Parent consultation scene
  • Closing walk in scene
We then came up with the idea of having the walk in scenes as a motif throughout the performance and have them weaved between each scene so every other scene is a walk in scene! We came to a disagreement with this as I wanted to have this as one continuous scene being stopped and continued as they we progress through the story while Lorna wanted them to be similar but different scenario scenes (e.g. taking temperature, walking with notes, physio etc.) While I was confident that my idea would look good, we decided as a group that we would go with Lorna's idea.

We next started looking for music for our physical theatre scene in the common room. We wanted something that has a beat as we wanted to perform abstract dance/PT movements to it but something modern that would match Ollie having a smartphone throughout the scene and it being his centre of attention. We thought of "Treat You Better" by Shawn Mendes but we then felt it didn't sound techno-y enough to suit our modern setting. We then played "Shape of You," but then felt that although it matched our modern theme better, it was very repetitive and didn't change much throughout. We decided to go for "Starboy," instead as its a very effective song for movement and has a very techno upbeat mood.

Next lesson, we will work on creating the physical theatre scene.

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