Tuesday 28 June 2016

Single - Contemporary Theatre Unit (1984) - Blog 19 - 28/06/16

Today we ran every scene we have so far up to the second Charrington scene and sorted the issues we had. Below are the issues we had and how we resolved:

  • When transforming the book club into the cafĂ©, some of us were unsure as to whether we had to take our chairs off or not. We discussed and said the chairs don't need to be moved as it makes a lot of noise.
  • When Rob enters the back room of Charrington's shop, we walk in at different intervals. We got confused as to when we have to walk in but we resolved this with discussion. Prior to this we discussed why Charrington chose to refer to the diary as a Keepsake Album and came to the conclusion that diaries were banned in 1984 so the word was considered taboo.
  • During The Two Minutes Hate, we were unsure as to when we have to mute and what we say when Rob finishes his small speech.
Next lesson, we'll finally film any video's required and go over some of the scenes in Room 101.

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