Tuesday 14 June 2016

Single - Contemporary Theatre Unit (1984) - Blog 15 - 14/06/16

This lesson, I was quickly brought up to speed on what I missed. Last lesson the class went on from where we left off (pg 29 to the beginning of pg 33). The movement between those pages is very naturalistic so I haven't missed anything too complex which involves me.

We continued on from pg 33 which is the first mention of The Two Minutes Hate. We decided that during the countdown, we'd get up slowly and randomly and stand in formation ([Left to Right] Row 1: Ollie K, Rob, Rhiannon; Row 2: Ollie M, Lorna, Kat, Charlie; Row 3: James, Hope, Me.)

When each character speaks during The Two Minutes Hate, they will have their voice recorded as a voiceover and they will be projected onto the ceiling. While Goldstein is speaking, we all shout out the slogan of Big Brother, "War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength." However when Goldstein says, "We must fight for our freedom," we become muted but we still mime as if we were still shouting.

When the Telescreen announces the end of The Two Minute Hate, we all exit, besides Winston and Julia.

When we return to the stage as Syme, Parsons and Martin, I bring mine and Rob's chairs over, Kat brings her's and Rhiannon's chairs and James brings his own. When talking to Winston as Syme, I looked deeper into the character and thought about how he would've spoken.

He obviously seems to be a firm believer in the values of Big Brother so I feel he would talk about it very passionately. He would take his time with his words and drone his beliefs into the skull of whom he's talking to. I to add to the boring drone, I will speak rather monotone.

For the rest of the lesson we helped work on scenes between Julia and Winston as that was all that followed the last scene, excluding a short scene between Winston and Charrington.

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