Monday 27 June 2016

Double - Doctor Faustus - Blog 14 - 27/06/16

Today, in Double, we adapted our physical theatre scenes to better fit the needs of our group, devised a scene for the learning of the dark arts with Valdes and Cornelius and ran through most of the first act.

At the beginning of the lesson, we discovered that Rhiannon would not be performing Faustus due to outside circumstances. We are unsure as to whom would take her role as Good Angel but we will discuss this next lesson. As for her roles in our physical theatre sections, we spent this lesson working out how to keep them as similar as possible whilst removing her from the scenes.

For the prologue, where Rob lifted her off to the side and she then interacted with Lorna, we've had James fill in her place. This means Charlie and Ollie's interaction needs to be adapted to not include James but this worked rather well. For the lift involving Rhiannon and Rob (now James and Rob), instead of Rob lifting James, he drags him off as this looks much less feminine as opposed to the previous lift. After running this scene twice, it works just as well as before.

For the sins section, a lot of it doesn't need changing as Sloth, Gluttony and Pride haven't got choreographed separate movements for each person. For the sins involving Rhiannon, we've changed the movement so that it better suits the size of the group. These changes have been very simple and haven't affected our pace too much. Also, there was the issue of having to change the narration of this scene as there was one less person to speak a line but Rhiannon is able to still record this so this is no longer an issue.

We then proceeded onto rehearsing the first act but as we came to different physical theatre sections, we would devise the movement or at least plan something. As we approached the scene where Faustus is taught the dark arts by Valdes and Cornelius we blocked some movement for this section:

  • V and C enter with beers and energy drinks, they clink drinks with F then blackout.
  • Lights up and the three are focused on the laptop where V is showing F some demonic necromancy related website then b/o
  • Lights up and V and C are walk towards the partly drawn pentagrams on the flats and complete them with the star in the centre then b/o
  • Lights up and V and C are lighting candles with F and hold them up and b/o
  • Lights up and Lorna is under a black sheet on the floor and V and C attempt to show F how to "summon demons." F tries once and only an arm arises but then collapses back down to show his failure, F tries again and more progress is made but the same result occurs. F tries once more with the aid of V and C but the demon arises to it's knees but falls then b/o.
We feel this scene is great for showing the passage of time and the teachings which Valdes and Cornelius attempt to pass on to Faustus.

When it came to the apparition of Mephistopheles, we planned that as I appear, I'd be on my knees, surrounded by the chorus whom are performing pulsing arm movements to represent such as dark entity. Following Faustus' request for a form more familiar to the eye of man, the chorus would disperse leaving only me.

Next lesson, we will continue our method of running what we have and devise movement when we get to it.

Outside of lesson, I came up with an idea for my costume. As we're playing Faustus as a more of "rocky nerd" as opposed to the classic mature man, I decided to model my character after what Faustus wants to be which aids me in enticing Faustus into selling his soul. The costume I was considering was:

  • Black Timberland boots
  • Black skinny jeans
  • Black longline top
  • Black leather bomber jacket
  • (Dark) red tie
The red tie is the small symbol of hell resembled in my costume. This is a very Brechtian way to represent my character through costume.

Next lesson, we will probably run through all of act one, work out the issues, resolve them and discuss act two.

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