Thursday 16 June 2016

Single - Contemporary Theatre Unit (1984) - Character Profile & Writing In Role - 16/06/16

Character Profile
Name: Syme
Age: 42
Height: 6ft
Likes: Newspeak, Big Brother, Work
Dislikes: Oldspeak, Synonyms, Antonyms, Goldstein, Rebellion
Occupation: Executive Head of Unpersoning Department
Writing In Role
Today was another day of the norm. I wake up at 6. I go downstairs. I eat breakfast. I go upstairs. I brush my teeth. I get showered. I get dressed. I catch the 331 bus. I get to work by 8:30. I work until my lunch break at 1. At my lunch break I saw Winston and Martin. I felt Winston needed some reminding on the term Newspeak. I new innovation. A good innovation. Notice how I didn't say some sort of synonym like great or wonderful. That's the beauty of Newspeak; less words means less chance of a rebellion. This innovation is amazing. The whole turmoil caused by an outburst could destroy Big Brother. Why would anyone want that? Order turned into chaos. The worst thing imaginable. Parsons decided to join us. As usual, he went on about how good his kid is. "Oh she caught these people holding hands in the woods." Oh how good!!! I hope he's proud! I mean I would've been happy when hearing the story the first time but he's told us 17 lunchtimes in a row.

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