Tuesday 21 June 2016

Single - Contemporary Theatre Unit (1984) - Blog 17 - 21/06/16

Today, we ran through most of what we had completed so far and resolved any issues we had with the movement.

We had nothing to discuss or change about what we had besides the first scene between Charrington and Winston. We gave Charlie some notes on his characterisation which improved his portrayal of Charrington a lot. We also added a small piece of movement into the section where Winston goes into the storage room and passes out. Below is our movement:
  • Rob walks towards the centre of the empty book club and then walks towards SR, James and I walk towards him slowly whilst singing, "Oranges and Lemons." He walks away and walks into Charlie and Kat doing the same but singing the song out of time, Hope and Lorna, and Ollie M do the same. The overlapping of the Rhyme will show the distortion of that current reality.
  • Rob turns and passes out and we have a blackout just before I catch him as we feel it would look good if the audience don't see him hit the floor.
  • I lower Rob down and James replaces his seat back into book club.
This scene was the only thing we changed and next lesson we will run the rest and work on the Room 101 section.

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