Tuesday 7 June 2016

Single - Contemporary Theatre Unit (1984) - Blog 14 - 07/06/16

Today in Single, we ran through everything we already had in order to make sure everyone was up to speed with what we already had! We also staged the scene between Charrington and Winston as Charlie was here this time.

When we came up to my section where Syme is first introduced, I had the challenge of working out how to say my rather large monologue. When I first performing I felt that Syme was rather observed with the concept of Newspeak so I assumed he would speak very fast. However, I came to realise this was more due to my personal intentions of wanting to get the monologue over and done with. I decided to slow it down more and elongate my vowels. This monologue is supposed to bore Winston and my fellow co-workers but still inform the audience on Newspeak; so speaking slowly will do well to fulfil both.

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