Wednesday 8 June 2016

Double - F(l)ight - Blog 4 - 08/06/16

Today we continued to stage more movement for our scenes in our groups and changed some elements of our ensemble opening.

Lorna and I began by running through what we completed last lesson and tried to think of some new movement. We originally were going to have some sort of kick after she rolls me off of her back but we couldn't think of a way to do this where it looks authentic. Eventually, this is what we came up with for our scene:
  • I lean on Lorna's back and we perform a back bend but then she stands up straight and rolls me off of her back.
  • We slide one step to the right then turn 180.
  • We circle around and face each other and I run towards her, break down to my knees and beg for her to take me back. She kicks me down and I fall, heartbroken.
  • Lorna then offers to help me up and I look up at her helpless and relieved. I latch onto her hand and she pulls me up halfway then drops me. She spits at my feet before walking off.
We were also considering having a short hymn hands sequence at the beginning of our scene to display how we got in the situation which we're in.

The song we're planning on doing our movement to is "How To Save A Life" by The Fray however, the other two groups are both using tracks by Eminem ("Stan" and "Love The Way You Lie,") so we may change our music to another Eminem song such as the instrumental for "Mockingbird," or something else soft.

Below is the video for this scene:

For the opening scene, we decided to swap James and Rob around as in Ollie, Rhiannon and Rob's scene, Rob doesn't become abused or abuse anyone else; he is the innocent bystander. As Lorna, Ollie and Charlie abuse their partner and Rhiannon, James and I get abused, we decided to swap Rob with James to display the two sides of abuse. Having Rob in the centre suggests he needs to choose between each side.

We finished devising this scene aswell keeping in mind the "choice" Rob needs to make. Below is our movement:
  • As Ollie, James, Charlie and I catch Rob from falling (NOTE: Rob and James have swapped movement for the beginning of the scene) we all pass Rob over to Ollie so he can place him on the floor (This represents Ollie as the father figure to Rob as he is his father in their group's scene. Rob lies still in the foetal position.
  • Rhiannon holds Rob's hand and then stands up and forms a line with me and James. Lorna does the same and stands in a line with Ollie and Charlie. The victims of abuse stand with their hands in cuffs to represent how chained and restricted they are.
  • Rob begins to stand and we all do a sharp movement. We do this three times and take a step back each time. The abusers get more and morelated restricted and the victims get stronger and rebellious. This results in the tables being turned and the power has been shifted.

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