Friday 10 June 2016

Double - Dr Faustus - Blog 10 - 10/06/16

Today in Double, the rest of the class went on to continue with the sins scene whilst Ollie and I went through our scenes again.

When performing the scene when Faustus abuses his power to create chaos, I recognised a new side to Mephistopheles which showcased his compassion and jealousy.

When Ollie and I got to the section where Faustus falls back into consciousness, we thought of having a blackout and him wake up on a bed in the centre; the bed would be the stage blocks we already have around the stage. We would then have everyone dressed as doctors and perform movements such as fluffing his pillow or injecting his arm with a needle. We would do this in an unorthodox way such as rolling underneath his arm to fluff his pillow. This is good use of Round-By-Through which was created by Frantic Assembly.

An idea we had was to have everyone dressed as Doctors including Mephistopheles and then eventually when it comes to Meph's line, he approaches in a doctor's mask, shrouding his identity from Faustus, but then removes his mask to shock Faustus as he thinks that Mephistopheles was only a concept of his unconscious mind.

Next lesson, we'll complete this section.

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