Thursday 5 May 2016

Single - Contemporary Theatre Unit (1984) - Blog 5 - 05/05/16

Today we discussed our future with After Troy and whether we were to continue with it as a piece. We worked on different scenes from After Troy in groups (Rhiannon, Lorna, Kat, Hope/Ollie K, Ollie M, Charlie, Rob, Lewis) while our tutor searched for an alternative text to perform.

The scene my group was given was a piece between Mester (Ollie K), Kratos (Rob), Talthybius (Me) and Agamemnon (Charlie). Ollie M helped by taking a directing role in the creation of our scene. We wanted to show our characters lost in the caves and used key facial expressions and gestures to detail this. When performing to our audience, this looked very effective and helped add depth to our environment. I also kept in mind my relationships with the other characters and whether they were masters (Agamemnon), peers, (Kratos) or threats (Mester).

After performing each group's piece, we gathered and heard an alternative for our contemporary play. The play 1984 was our option which was a prediction of the future in the eyes of those in the 40's about what life would be like in the year of 1984. Total eradication of individual thought and creativity is a huge theme in this alternate-future play. With the prospects of what we could do with it in mind and the opportunities for physical theatre and technical enhancements, we thought it was best to redirect our focus onto 1984. Luckily this doesn't make our research useless for After Troy as some of it (ruined underground stations/dark forests) can be reused for 1984.

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