Thursday 12 May 2016

Single - Contemporary Theatre Unit (1984) - Blog 8 - 12/05/16

Today in Single, we were given scenes to perform from our play 1984. We were all put in pairs, (Hope, Charlie/Lorna, Rob/Kat, Ollie M/Rhiannon, Ollie K/James, Lewis) and were given scenes to perform. While all the other pairs were given a scene between Winston and Julia, James and I were given a scene between O'Brien and Winston in Room 101.

For the character of O'Brien, I imagined him to be very much like Khashoggi from WWRY and a lot like the way he was played in our school musical last year. Khashoggi was played to be very sinister and cruel yet still being sarcastic, lighthearted and maintaining a sense of humour. When playing O'Brien, I included chuckling at Winston's remarks and pain and phrased some of my lines in a sarcastic manner. This reprises the humourous sarcasm and sinister ways of Khashoggi.

After performing these scenes, we were regrouped (Lorna/Ollie M, Charlie/Hope/Kat, Rhiannon/Ollie K, Rob/James, Lewis) and we were given a new scene. James and I were given a scene between Winston and Charrington where Charrington is offering Winston a place to stay. With Charrington being an older gentleman, I bent my knees and slouched my back more in order to give off the appearance of old age. I also tried to vary my tone of voice but this didn't go too well as I can't do an old person voice.

Next lesson, we will get round to doing our skills audit then possibly move towards blocking a prologue.

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