Thursday 12 May 2016

Double - Dr Faustus - Frantic Assembly and DV8 Research

Frantic Assembly

"Frantic Assembly creates thrilling, energetic and unforgettable theatre. The company attracts new and young audiences with work that reflects contemporary culture. Vivid and dynamic, Frantic Assembly's unique physical style combines movement, design, music and text."

"Frantic Assembly is led by Artistic Director Scott Graham. Scott formed the company with Steven Hoggett and Vicki Middleton in 1994 and continues to collaborate with many of today's most inspiring artists. Having toured extensively throughout the UK, Frantic Assembly has built an enviable reputation as one of the most exciting companies in the country. The company has also performed, created and collaborated in 30 different countries across the world."

"In addition to its productions Frantic Assembly operates an extensive Learn & Train programme introducing 9,000 participants a year to the company's process of creating theatre, in a wide variety of settings. Frantic Assembly also delivers Ignition, an innovative vocational training project for young men, particularly targeting those with little previous experience of the arts."


"We used a technique we call 'Round - By - Through.' Here the performers are given the task of making a short string of material that is inspired by the title words of the exercise. They can move round, by or through their partner. They might take turns to do a couple of moves
and set these. They should have around 12 moves."

"Once they had this and could repeat it smoothly we then set them various new tasks to adapt these moves. They were to squeeze the space out of the moves so that there was much more contact between them."

"We also looked at techniques that will allow you to lift your partner safely in a way that does not rely on strength. We went through exercises that helped identify when a lift was possible and how to safely integrate such moments into the string of material already set."




"DV8 Physical Theatre's work is about taking risks, aesthetically and physically, about breaking down the barriers between dance and theatre and, above all, communicating ideas and feelings clearly and unpretentiously."

"DV8 is motivated by artistic inspiration and creative need. These, rather than financial, organisational and touring demands, dictate the creation of new works. The company has fought successfully for funding to cover lengthy research and development periods in order to maintain rigorous artistic integrity and quality in each new project. The focus of the creative approach is on reinvesting dance with meaning, particularly where this has been lost through formalised techniques."

"DV8's work inherently questions the traditional aesthetics and forms which pervade both modern and classical dance, and attempts to push beyond the values they reflect to enable discussion of wider and more complex issues. DV8 (Dance and Video 8)'s strong commitment to film and video continues. This reflects its ongoing interest in how two primarily visual media can enhance one another and reach a crossover audience from within both forms."

"The company's reputation relies on pushing its own boundaries and on the constant re-examination of the roles and relationships of men and women in our society. Its policy insists on the importance of challenging our preconceptions of what dance can, and should, address."

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