Friday 27 May 2016

Double - Dr Faustus - Blog 8 - 27/05/16

Today, we worked on our sins section and Ollie and I continued blocking movement between Faustus and Mephistopheles.

We began by collating together our ideas we researched for the sins scenes we hadn't done yet. This included Lust, Greed and Envy. We were asked to find some music which we felt would go well with these scenes and we eventually chose Rob's Lust song, Ollie's Envy song and my Greed song. Below are the songs we have for every sin:

SLOTH & GLUTTONY - 3:14 Every Night (
PRIDE - Fashion Show - Fashion Songs 4 London Fashion Week Deep House Electronic Fast Music (
WRATH - Emotions Series - Anger Vol. 2 | Position Music | Most Epic Angry Dark Music Mix (
LUST - Express by Christina Augilera (Instrumental) (
GREED - Ode To Greed (
ENVY - Message Man by Twenty One Pilots (

After this, the others went to the other room to stage some more of the sins scene and record the narration for Lust. They wanted to do this as they knew when performing the scene, they would be worn out, not to mention the block paragraph which Lorna and Rhiannon need to speak; this way, they can focus solely on their movement. Also, having this recorded voiceover of sexual noises and moans displays great use of Theatre of Cruelty. Artaud would use methods such as this to fully entrance his audience into the performance.

Meanwhile, Ollie and I continued going over the scenes between Faustus and Mephistopheles. I feel like I have finally recognised my characters motives for each scene which helped me a lot when performing today. I was confident with my ability to perform my character in a range of different motives such as smug, angry, jealous and compassionate. I feel this gives Mephistopheles a lot of depth as a character and labels him more than just one of Lucifer's minions.

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