Monday 9 May 2016

Double - Dr Faustus - Blog 3 - 09/05/16

Today, we continued on from our work last lesson based around the seven deadly sins and also moved onto performing some of the script.

We basically left off from where we started at the end of Pride's section where James is being lifted by Lorna and I. At the beginning, we have James thrown down and he lands (safely) on his knees bent over. Lorna and I are knelt down either side of him. The violent throw down conveys the frustrated actions of Wrath and shows its jealousy of those above it. For this section, we were thinking of having Rob walk through the throw down and say the first line of wrath but we felt that wrath should be more violent and angry so we thought we should have a dance-like fight section. We decided to keep James, Lorna and I working together while Rob and Charlie work on something which would be happening behind us. Below is what my group have so far:

  • We drop James down on the first explosive chord of the song. Lorna and I also fall to our knees either side of him.
  • Leading into the next chord, Lorna and I roll to the side away from James and sit looking sinister.
  • After the next chord, we act like we're being pulled up by ropes arm by arm (this shows how people are drawn in by Wrath and are triggered rather than it be so naturally occurring).
  • On the next chord we should be pulled up by our inside arm and we tilt our heads towards James under our arms. During all of this James is looking around scared.
  • Leading into the next chord, I roll out of my crouch and push James. James falls backwards and Lorna rolls towards him and throws him back up to standing.
This is all we got so far until we were asked to present what we had. For Charlie and Rob's section, they perform a fight scene using contact improvisation and stage combat. When watching, their scene was full of action and was the perfect length for the lead up to the speaking.

After watching our scenes, we decided to take a short break from the sins as we've been working on them for a while and we refreshed ourselves by just performing the first section of the play. This started from the beginning where Faustus monologues about wanting more and more power and continues up to where he signs the contract binding his soul to the devil. When performing the role of Valdes, I know that there are plenty things I need to improve on. I need to work on my tone of voice and emit the character from my tone, pitch, pace and volume. Also, when walking I tended to not face my audience very often. This is where I am not very used to performing with traverse staging and so it was rather difficult for me to keep a balance between each side of the audience. Also, where our stage is rather large and there aren't many actors on during that scene (only Ollie, Rob and I), we keep gathering in one area of the stage, mostly by where the desk would be, which leaves a massive empty space where the rest of the stage is.

Next time, we will work on this scene and perhaps go back to our seven deadly sins movement piece.

1 comment:

  1. Lewis,
    You are beginning to analyse the skills and techniques you are using through your blog. For example you have mentioned what went well in your performance and how you could improve. Your next step is to now include more detailed research and rationale. For example, you may want to include some research on some physical theatre companies who's techniques you have used in this lesson. You should analyse their techniques throughout your blogs (not just one big blog of research). Why were they useful to you? Did you have to adapt their techniques to suit the needs of your performance?
