Thursday 19 May 2016

Single - Contemporary Theatre Unit (1984) - Blog 10 - 19/05/16

Today we continued and completed blocking our prologue for 1984!

Below is the rest of our movement:

  • After placing Rhiannon from the second lift, we get into two parallel lines facing the front (LEFT: Charlie, Lewis, James, Ollie M, Rhiannon; RIGHT: Lorna, Ollie K, Rob, Hope, Kat)
  • We look to the left then look to the right in four pulses, then we kneel down, tie our shoe laces, look up then slide backwards from kneeling. This section highlights the unity of the people of 1984 due to the lack of individuality.
  • Next, Lorna and Charlie lift up the sheet, which was behind Rhiannon's head, and Kat runs into it in attempt to escape from the "utopia." Everyone else then runs into the sheet from all angles, hands first. Everyone then forms a single file line facing the audience and Charlie and Lorna join the end (ORDER: Kat, Ollie M, Rhiannon, Rob, Lewis, Hope, James, Ollie K, Charlie, Lorna)
  • We each throw an arm our desperately in different directions to each other but then pull it back in with our other arm. This represents the desperation for freedom in 1984.
  • We then bring our arms out, side-by-side, one-by-one as we the leaders get higher and higher then back down again.
  • We them separate one by one into two parallel lines and we then turn to the back where Lorna is sitting on a seat (LEFT: Kat, Rhiannon, Lewis, James, Charlie; RIGHT: Ollie M, Rob, Hope, Ollie K)
  • We snake around Lorna's chair in both lines then walk offstage.
Next lesson, we will begin working through the script.

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