Friday 13 May 2016

Double - Dr Faustus - Blog 4 - 13/05/16

Today we made very major cast changes due to outside circumstances. Below is our new cast list:

Dr Faustus - Ollie
Mephistopheles - Lewis
Murdock - Lorna
Good Angel - Rhiannon
Evil Angel - Charlie
Cornelius - Rob
Valdes - James
Helen - Rhiannon
Scholar - Charlie
Lucifer - Voiceover

I am incredibly pleased with my new role and I'm glad I've been given a challenge to portray such a major role.

As for the role of Lucifer, we decided that we could have Lucifer's speech as voiceover of one our voices morphed and twisted to sound more sinister while we have a short physical theatre section to represent the physical being of Lucifer. I feel this would be much more effective at portraying Lucifer as more than a mortal being.

Following our cast changed, Ollie and I went off to work on the appearance of Mephistopheles whilst everyone else worked on more for the sins scene. Ollie and I wanted recognised that as we were main characters, we'd have less opportunities for physical theatre than chorus members would so we decided to include a lot of movement into our introduction of Mephistopheles. We felt the best way to add movement was to use Round-By-Through, created by Frantic assembly. As I learnt by my research, Round-By-Through is a string of movements which link the actors together which can represent emotions and intentions.

We started off by using simple movements such as Hymn Hands, also widely used by FA, then went on to use weight distribution and more rapid movements. This represents Meph's change in attitude after mention of Heaven and Hell. Below is a video of the scene which we completed:

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