Monday 23 May 2016

Double - Dr Faustus - Blog 7 - 23/05/16

Today, we began blocking Act 2 leading up to the sins scene.

Although this section was entirely Faustus and Meph, everyone got involved with constructive criticism and great ideas for staging. What's great about this section for Meph is it shows a diverse range of emotions shown by the character. It shows his jealousy when Faustus throws away his opportunity at heaven, his anger at Faustus when he underestimates the pain and torture of hell, and his playful teasing when Faustus demands answers to questions which Meph is forbidden to give. This allows me to vary my positioning, stance, tone of voice and pace of speech.

Rob suggested that for this section of Act 2, we should have a small stage block for Ollie and I to stand on at appropriate to show power and dominance. For example, when Meph shows Faustus the wonders of the universe, we stand together on the block and overlook the wonders. We also use it when the Good and Evil angel come into play. Faustus' attention is drawn to the angels and Meph steps onto the block, when Faustus turns to speak to Meph, he has already moved and is looking down on Faustus.

After this, Ollie and I went through our lines whist the rest of the group finished devising the Wrath scene.

We were also asked to find some music for the remaining three sins. Rob and I were asked to find music for greed and below is the music I found:
  • Ode to Greed (
  • Corporate Greed (

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