Friday 6 May 2016

Double - Dr Faustus - Blog 2 - 06/05/16

Today, in our first hands on lesson with Dr Faustus, we took a look at the scene where Lucifer displays to Faustus the seven deadly sins.

In the original script, the seven deadly sins are each played by one person and they each have a section of speech. Sadly, we are restricted with our small cast size so we're incapable of doing this. Instead we decided to make use of all of our actors for every sin and have us split the lines equally. For every sin, we have the same person start and finish while everyone else has a line between. For example, I start with the first line of Sloth, then Charlie has a line, James has a line, Rob has a line, Lorna has a line, then I finish it off.

The only sin this doesn't apply to is Lust. We felt that with Faustus being a straight male, having male actors speak in the seductive tone of Lust wouldn't be as effective so we're having Lorna speak all of Lust. To compensate for her huge increase in lines, she doesn't speak during Greed.

Below is what we have devised for the scene so far: (Initials are used instead of names)


  • Piece starts with (INSERT SONG NAME HERE) and RA, JBC, CS, LC & LF lay in a heap of bodies opposite end of the traverse from OK. RD wonders the stage.
  • Those on the floor inhale and exhale once very slowly and loudly. LF speaks (all speech is very slow and lazy; slurred words and sloppy gestures embody the movements of a sloth and personify the sin 'Sloth' perfectly.)
  • CS crawls forward slightly slowly towards Faustus but gives up (shows the indolence of those who live in Sloth and their lack of shame in failure); all else on the floor crawl towards him. (The crawling shows the need for comfort; being slow applies the laziness of those consumed by Sloth). CS speaks.
  • JBC crawls forward slightly slowly towards Faustus but gives up; all else on the floor crawl towards him. JBC speaks.
  • RA crawls forward slightly slowly towards Faustus but gives up; all else on the floor crawl towards him. RA speaks.
  • LC crawls forward slightly slowly towards Faustus but gives up; all else on the floor crawl towards him. LC speaks.
  • LF crawls forward slightly slowly towards Faustus but gives up; all else on the floor crawl towards him. LF speaks.
  • Music continues on from Sloth
  • RD walks towards the bodies with a bucket of KFC. All on the floor look up in realisation and rush towards the bucket grabbing more than one piece of chicken each (the sudden rush demonstrates how animalistic those who are claimed by Gluttony are)
  • The group disperse, aiming to protect their precious food (this portrays Gluttony's selfishness) one of us may be searching and clawing at the bucket left by RD (shows Gluttony's ultimate craving for more and more!)
  • Each of us are at different levels to try to keep the chicken away from each other (more selfishness) RA is up high, LC is slouched, CS is bent down, JBC is crouched down, LF is on knees keeping low to the ground.
  • CS moves to the center to speak (all speech will again be slurred but faster because the faster we finish our sentence, the quicker we can take another bite; we would speak with our mouths full to portray Gluttony's obnoxiousness)
  • JBC moves to the center to speak.
  • RA moves to the center to speak.
  • LC moves to the center to speak.
  • LF moves to the center to speak.
  • CS moves to the center to speak.
  • Music changes to (INSERT SONG NAME HERE); during the first 8 beats we move our chicken to the side and form a spaced out (too proud of themselves to care about being near others) group at the opposite end of the traverse to Faustus whilst facing him.
  • After the first 8 beats, we all strike poses of self-pride and narcissism such as flexing biceps and styling hair or for Lorna checking out her own butt and miming putting lipstick on (these signature egotistical poses throw in the audience's face what Pride is all about)
  • JBC steps forward to speak and walks, around 10 paces, towards Faustus as if he is walking down a catwalk, gesturing to audience as he does this and then to Faustus. He then walks back when the next person starts speaking (the whole theme of a catwalk shows off Pride's self-centered attitude and displays this to the audience clearly; all speak very loud, naturally paced and with an arrogant tone)
  • RA steps forward to speak and walks, around 10 paces, towards Faustus as if he is walking down a catwalk, gesturing to audience as he does this and then to Faustus. He then walks back when the next person starts speaking
  • LC steps forward to speak and walks, around 10 paces, towards Faustus as if she is walking down a catwalk, gesturing to audience as she does this and then to Faustus. She then walks back when the next person starts speaking
  • LF steps forward to speak and walks, around 10 paces, towards Faustus as if he is walking down a catwalk, gesturing to audience as he does this and then to Faustus. He then walks back when the next person starts speaking
  • CS steps forward to speak and walks, around 10 paces, towards Faustus as if he is walking down a catwalk, gesturing to audience as he does this and then to Faustus. He then walks back when the next person starts speaking
  • JBC steps forward to speak and walks, around 10 paces, towards Faustus as if he is walking down a catwalk, gesturing to audience as he does this and then to Faustus.
  • LC and LF lift JBC together, one leg each (this puts JBC higher than everyone else and the center of attention which is what Pride aspires to be; being lifted like this allows him to have hands free to pose with, this gets all eyes on Pride)
This was all we have so far but our intentions for our next sin, Wrath, was for James to be safely thrown down from the lift and Rob to come crashing through as the first speaker for Wrath. We also all agreed that Wrath should be much more physical and perhaps feature a movement section before any speaking.

With what we have so far, I feel it is very effective at embodying each sin as they all display their key characteristics. I feel for the next few sins we need to be a lot more physical as in Sloth we barely move at all.

Next lesson, we will continue with the seven deadly sins piece 

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