Wednesday 1 March 2017

Double - Performance Workshop (Sweeney Todd) - Blog 10 - 01/03/17 ADD VIDEO

Today, while Lorna, Rob and Dan continued on with A Little Priest, Ollie, Tom and I worked on Johanna.

In this song, Anthony ganders at the Johanna which angers Judge Turpin and he orders Beadle to “dispose of him”. We staged this so that Alice (Johanna) is standing on the right on the stage, locked away in her bedroom and Tom (Anthony is standing on the floor, just in front of her singing up to her. We realised that his back is facing the audience in this part which removes all the emotion so we have him looking upwards facing the audience as it’s still clear that he’s singing to her.

Ollie and I enter from under the stage as if we were just randomly walking and we stumble upon Anthony without him noticing and we walk closer inspecting him. On “I’ll steal you Johanna,” I look at Beadle and look back at Anthony which is a clear order to attack him. When Tom finishes singing, I cough to which he turns into a strike from Beadle’s cane. Fallen to the floor, Anthony is forced to face me by Beadle. After telling him to leave and never come back, I walk back to my home and talk with Johanna closely followed by Beadle after he threatens Anthony once more. We all exit excluding Anthony who sings his last verse and exits.

Below is a video of this scene and finally a finished “A Little Priest.” The only thing that needs to be done with A Little Priest is to rehearse the waltz midway through as this could do with improvement.

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