Tuesday 28 February 2017

Single - Devised Unit (Ghost Stories) - Blog 11 - 28/02/17 ADD VIDEO

Today we decided to rehearse everything we had so that we could fully wrap up the two scenes we already had: The Paparazzi Scene and the Suicide Scene!

For the Suicide Scene (hyperlink), the only improvement is see necessary is for Rob to be louder with his narration so that he can be heard over the music. Lowering the volume of the track would create less of an atmosphere so Rob definitely needs to be louder. Besides that, this scene is finished.

For the Paparazzi Scene (hyperlink), the Breakfast show part needs to be acted more naturally as it sounds very acted. I feel that this is because the group is reading from the script still which makes it difficult to fully act it. Seeing as the script isn’t at all long, we will have it learnt for the next time we run through this scene so that it can be performed more naturally. Once we work out this issue, we will have two finished scenes!

Next lesson, we will recap the Ollie’s motif scenes so that we can possibly make them longer. 

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