Thursday 9 March 2017

Single - Devised Unit (Ghost Stories) - Blog 14 - 09/03/17

Today we wrote the dialogue for our first section of Lorna’s scene and blocked the movement to go with it. We first came up with the script which took us a while as we wanted to make the dialogue as natural as possible. In this section, we have Harry (Ollie) visiting Stella (Lorna) and offering comfort.

Below is our dialogue:

We thought that instead of Harry coming along as another lover out of the blue, we wanted him to be the cause of Stella’s willingness to remarry. We have adapted the story so that now, Harry is intercepting the letters from Charles which leads to Stella thinking that Charles hasn’t bothered to write. Stella then ends up marrying Harry. We wanted to show in this section that Harry is intercepting the letters. We originally thought of having Ollie and Lorna run their dialogue and I enter as the ghost of Charles (as the real Charles is obviously at war) and place letters in Ollie’s pockets to show him intercepting them. However, when trying this out, we felt that not only was it difficult to do, but that it wasn’t clear that Ollie was intercepting the letters. Instead, I now go to hand Lorna the letters but Ollie takes them out my hand before they get to her. I attempt to ‘deliver’ four letters and then leave the last one on the table which Ollie takes.

Next lesson, we will work out the rest of the scene.

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