Monday 13 March 2017

Double - Performance Workshop (Sweeney Todd) - Blog 15 - 13/03/17

Today we experimented with different ways to show the murders within the show and how we can create the illusion of blood.

We recognised that we have 6 deaths within Sweeney Todd that are seen by the audience: Pirelli’s, Ollie Marshall’s (citizen) Turpin’s, Beggar Woman’s/Lucy’s, Mrs Lovett’s and Todd’s. We wanted to be sure that every death would be somewhat different so that the audience are always impressed by each one. This is far more creative way to approach this rather than them all dying the same way.

With Pirelli’s death, we already have him being choked which meant we didn’t need to worry about anything like blood and for Mrs Lovett’s death, we were considering during her dance with Todd prior to her demise, she gets spun which and Todd lowers her down as if he were to kiss her but then Todd snaps her neck instead. Although this isn’t true to the original story, we felt artistically it looks more effective to end her life so suddenly and it’s a lot more realistic as trying to represent her burning in a furnace would look too cheesy.

This left us with 4 deaths left to deal with. We wanted all of them to be different as we felt that it would make them all independent of each other and not just the same thing again and again. Also, we could show the magnitude of the kills with different ways of killing the characters rather than the same thing every time which suggests the deaths are all equal. We thought instead of going obvious with fake liquid blood, we should go for something more outside of the box yet still conventional. This is where the idea of using red material came into play. Not only is it easy to manoeuvre but it also looks impressive as well.

We thought for Ollie M’s death, as it’s not major, it should be quick and simple. We came up with the idea of him sitting in the chair, it being spun around and the white dust sheet around him is lifted and the underside is red. Ollie would then exit and the chair would swivel back round empty. For Lucy’s death, we have Taylor holding the ball of material in her hand and when Todd swipes his knife at her she reaches for her throat and lets the ball unfurl and drape from her hands as if the blood were dripping from her throat; this is very suitable as this death is very quick and in-the-moment.

For Judge Turpin’s death, we need it to be major compared to the other kills as this is the man Todd has wanted to murder for years. We thought about having a physical theatre piece for this part but we felt that it might be too complicated; just because it needs to be a very bold moment, it doesn’t mean we need to go fully abstract with it. However, our final idea we have Todd stab me, followed by 2 other cast members pulling red material from my chest (which they already have balled up in their hands) and then Todd slowly pulling out the last strand of blood out from my neck.

For Todd’s death, we thought we could have a very simple slitting of the throat from Toby but we then thought that any young child wouldn’t be so suave about murder and after all his thoughts of Todd being a demon, he’d surely want to stab him several times to be sure he’s dead. So, with this, we have James stab him in the throat once and then run around him stabbing him more and more. We discussed having fake liquid blood for this scene as this would be effective to show how much blood Todd has inside of him due to his bloodlust on his hunt for Turpin.

To finish, Tom and Rob sang through Johanna (Reprise) which sounded brilliant. The song is lovely and simple so we definitely now won’t add movement to it; we’ll simply have the pair stood singing. 

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