Friday 3 March 2017

Single - Devised Unit (Ghost Stories) - Blog 13 - 03/03/17

Today we discussed our ideas for our final scene for our piece. Originally, our idea related to the media and how they represent body image for young women, however we felt that it was extremely similar to the scene based on the paparazzi as they both relate to the media haunting our main character.

We then came up with the idea of a woman (Lorna) being haunted by the guilt of remarrying and sees visions of her passed husband. We thought this suit very well to our stimulus as Lorna’s not only haunted by her guilt but she’s also seeing ghostly visions of her husband which really stays close to “Ghost Stories”.
  • We started off by trying to devise movement but we thought that although we’re good with movement pieces, we can’t do a movement piece for every single scene as it doesn’t make our piece very diverse. We spent some deciding how we were to layout our story and below is a basic outline of the scene:
  • Stella (Lorna) and Charles (Lewis) are happily married but Charles is conscripted to join the army. Charles reassures his wife and proceeds to leave for war. Throughout his absence, Stella waits and waits for a letter he’d promised he’d send.
  • When she discovers her husband is dead, her childhood boyfriend and pal, Harry (Ollie) comes to help her get through her rough time. She eventually falls in love with this man but throughout the course of their relationship, she starts to see visions of her previous husband. Her guilt overwhelms her and we see her breakdown.
We said that next lesson, we will work on dialogue for our scene as we wanted this scene to be heavily dialogue based. We also wanted Rob to play the piano for this piece as we felt this would make the scene more effective if the underscore was played live. The song Rob’s playing is, “Comptine d’Un utre Été-Die fabelhafte Welt der Amélie Piano”.

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