Friday 10 March 2017

Double - Performance Workshop (Sweeney Todd) - Blog 14 - 10/03/17

Today, we spent the entire lesson singing through all of the songs in the show (up to “By The Sea” as this was all we had time for). This helped us all with going over tricky parts of different songs which we wouldn’t have time to go over when working on the scene.

For my song with Todd, “Pretty Women,” we did extremely well with only one timing error towards the end of the song. From “Blowing out the candle,” to “How they make a man sing,” we found the timing very difficult as it’s different for both characters.  After a couple more tries, we got the hang of it but we will meet at lunchtimes so rehearse this in order to get it right.

Besides Pretty Women, no other songs had any issues; the opening song during our prologue is the only other song I sing in which went very well too. All the other songs went incredibly well too and I’m confident that we’re making great progress leading up to the final weeks of rehearsals.

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