Friday 10 February 2017

Single - Devised Unit (Ghost Stories) - Blog 9 - 10/02/17

Today, we continued on with our paparazzi physical theatre and I had lots of ideas to add. This morning we had a physical theatre workshop from someone outside of school and there was plenty that we could implement into this piece. Below is how much we have so far:

  • I walk onstage and the soundscape starts immediately and the others run on immediately and try to get a photo of me, I keep trying to walk through patiently and when the soundscape finishes. We all freeze and I’ll be stood in front of the pack of paparazzi; the music will then start (which hasn’t been picked yet). 
  • I start walking to the right slowly and the others stand still in a group miming holding a camera and this imaginary camera follows me everywhere I go. This means that when I then drop down to tie my shoelace, the cameras also point downwards to me. 
  • As I stand back up, I turn over my back shoulder and start walking in slow motion while the paparazzi walk one step per beat of the song (the song would be quite lively) and on the 8th beat, they’d turn in a random direction as if they’re searching for me. After around 6/7 of these, I stop centre stage facing the audience and the “pap” is behind me in a line (Ollie-Lorna-Rob).

I wanted to use an interesting technique from the workshop which was making something natural look abstract by larger movements. For this instance, I’m eating breakfast. So pour my milk with both hands, I scoop quite dramatically, I eat it and then I get pull back by Lorna and Rob snaps a photo of me, I repeat this again but with Ollie taking a picture of me and again where I go straight back and both of them do it. Finally, I do it once more but fall back and then get thrown back up to fall forwards on the floor.

This is as much as we got, so next lesson we will continue.

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