Wednesday 1 February 2017

Double - Performance Workshop (Sweeney Todd) - Blog 5 - 01/02/17

Today we worked on Pirelli’s Miracle Elixir scene and The Contest that follows. We started with planning James’ movement; we didn’t want him to be static throughout the piece but we didn’t want him to run around too much as this would make the scene unrealistic. We decided to let James take full reign for a moment and see what he came up with before adding more to it.

After James performed his opening, we felt that it was a bit bland and needed more movement. We planned James’ movement to start from either the stage, entering from the curtains or from beneath the stage (we tried both to see which works better) and then he would walk around the audience and interact with them based on his lines (“Rub it in sir”). After trying both (pictured below) we decided that James appearing from the curtain makes more sense as Pirelli would enter extravagantly from the curtain too and it also looked more impressive too.

We then read through and rehearsed The Contest where we had only one small issue: where we were staging The Contest. We had two options, have it take place up on the stage or down on the floor in front of the audience (Both pictured below).  Although, performing it closer to the audience would make them feel more involved and as if they were actually the townspeople of London, we decided to perform it on the stage as it would make The Contest more a grand performance as well as simply being a shave.

Next lesson, as we don’t have Tom or Dan, we will bock and rehearse “Pretty Women.”

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