Friday 3 February 2017

Double - Performance Workshop (Sweeney Todd) - Blog 6 - 03/02/17

Today we worked on the blocking and the singing of “Pretty Woman.” In the scene before, Ollie and I enter the Pie Shop while Sweeney reveals the body of Pirelli to Mrs Lovett. We cross paths on the stairs and then it is only Sweeney and Turpin alone in his shop. From there we perform our dialogue which then leads into the song. Before blocking our movement throughout this song, we sang through it a few times to get used to the timings and to learn the harmonies properly. This was something Rob and I struggled with but after working on this all lesson, we were much more competent with the song.

Next lesson, as we have both Tom and Dan back, we will work on Pirelli’s death and have Tom sing through “Johanna.”

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