Thursday 23 February 2017

Single - Devised Unit (Ghost Stories) - Blog 10 - 23/02/17

Today we continued with our paparazzi scene and focused on the next section. We wanted to have some dialogue which the other sections in our piece lack. We wanted a group of people discussing our celebrity "drug addict" which decided to call Sam Marshall. We were going to have it a group of teenagers at school but we felt that we'd lose maturity in the piece and make it less believable. So we decided to change it to a group of network TV directors who are arranging who's going to be on their Sunday breakfast show. We felt that we could show how the media warp and manipulate situations and have our TV directors discussing how much of a mess he could possibly be on set and how it'll rake in views while in reality we have Sam Marshall walk onstage with his bags from rehab in a split screen and show that in reality, he is completely normal and that the media have pretty much ruined his private life.

The movement I have as Sam Marshall is simple which only requires me to walk onstage and take out my clothes etc out of my bag but its the dialogue between the TV directors on the other side of the split screen which makes this section effective.

So this lesson we spent the remainder writing out the script for the TV show part. We wanted to keep it short but still have enough content to create an effective scene. Our first draft was alright and contained the right context but we felt it was far too short so we had to extend it. Below is a photo of the final script:
Next lesson, we will rehearse this entire scene and move onto the final scene which would star Lorna as the main actor.

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