Monday 6 February 2017

Double - Performance Workshop (Sweeney Todd) - Blog 7 - 06/02/17

Today we ran the scene between Todd and Pirelli which results in his death. We had Rob and Dan act out the section minus Pirelli’s death individually with no direction to see how they perform it and we gave them the following feedback:

Dan needs to interact with the space more, at the moment he’s only using the chair when he can be using the walls, the table, the razors he mentions or even Todd himself.
Rob needs to decide how he’s going to react to Pirelli being there, whether he’s going to be scared that he knows the truth about Benjamin Barker or angry; both were reflected in this runthrough multiple times.

After receiving feedback, they performed it again which I felt was a lot better. They interacted with each other more and their movement was a lot more interesting. Next, we worked on Pirelli’s actual death which all had ideas for. We could have Pirelli fiddling around with some fancy ribbon whilst sitting in the chair and then Sweeney could grab the ribbon and choke Pirelli to death with it. We could have Pirelli sat with the ribbon again and Todd slices his throat from behind; however, we felt that this would be difficult to use blood packs without the scene looking bad. We also thought it would look cool if we had Pirelli standing and turn when he says, “Beadle Bamford.” As he turns, Todd slices forwards dynamically to which Pirelli would grab his throat and squeeze a blood pack which could be in his hands the whole time. As he turns, to the audience, his neck and hands are now smothered in (fake) blood. In the end, we went with the following movement:

  • Rob strangles Dan with the Ribbon and then once he hits the ground, he gasps for breath and Rob stabs Dan. Rob then picks him up and hides his body underneath the steel decking.

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