Wednesday 14 December 2016

Triple - Musical Theatre Unit (RENT) - Blog 26 - 14/12/16

Today in Rent, we blocked our movement for Without You. Typically, Without You is a song solely based on the downfall of the group where relationships break down. Joanne and Maureen have broken up, as well as Mimi and Roger and in our version, this is the song where Angel's life is tragically taken. We wanted to portray the breakdown of the group through this one song, displaying each relationship ending.

We start off the scene with the simple yet effective dialogue before the song between Mimi and Roger and then Roger exits leaving Mimi on her own on the blocks. I, Collins, enters with Owen, Angel, in my arms in severe pain and I place him on the table in the centre. I cover him with my jacket to keep him warm and stand with him comforting him. Partway through the song, Maureen walks in but as Joanne walks in a bit later, Maureen leaves almost immediately which shows the conflict between this pair. Tyler and Warren also walk in as individuals to mourn over Angel's illness.

We wanted to take this opportunity to show Benny's good side in this song as throughout he's shown to be an outcast and corrupted. However, throughout the story a lot of Benny's actions are taken for granted and unless you read between the lines, you never truly understand how much he does for the group. Will walks in and stops at a distance as he knows he probably won't be welcome there. However, upon Owen looking over at Will, Owen smiles and Will comes over. He walks over to me as I smile and we embrace in a friendly hug, symbolising the support Benny gives the group. For the rest of the song, Will and I stay with Owen until he dies, where I lower his hand down onto the table. Benny and Collins exit, Benny's arm around Collin's shoulder for comfort. Mimi then steps down and says goodbye to Angel.

We decided to go on from this and block I'll Cover You (Reprise) as well as it's the song that follows immediately. The way we have staged this is by leaving the table in the center from Without You, place a stage block behind the table which Owen sits on behind me and everyone stand in a semicircle around the table which is now representing Angel's coffin. Cameron, Taylor and Alice speak their dialogue and when the music starts, everyone turns inwards as I begin to sing. When the chorus section starts, everyone turns back the way they were and sing and Owen steps onto the block and sings the same part as me. 

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