Monday 5 December 2016

Double - Auditions for Actors - Blog 23 - 05/12/16

Today, we worked on our contemporary monologues once again keeping in mind the idea of elements as well as our notes from last lesson. We were asked to disperse into two groups (Ollie, James and Lorna/Rob and I) and showcase our monologues, giving feedback after every runthrough.

With Rob's monologue, I felt that he remained quite static throughout so some movement would do him well. After adding this his performance was much better. Due to his absence, he didn't know about elements so I also discussed this with him, making it clear that there aren't exact definitions for each element.

When performing Syme's monologue from 1984, I was very confident as I had performed it a lot before and I had taken a lot of comments on from before.

Below is the feedback I received after performing my monologue to the class at the end:

  • Very good facial expressions throughout which represents your character as Water very well.
  • Your gestures were relevant to your speech which works very well with this monologue.
  • The voice is working incredibly well at creating an authentic and memorable character but your diction still needs some work. Try to accentuate some of the words you have issues with like "vocabulary" and "bad".

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