Wednesday 7 December 2016

Double - Auditions for Actors - Blog 24 - 07/12/16

Today in Double, we worked on our contemporary monologues again but I then went on to work on my classical monologue.

At first I performed my Syme monologue from 1984, but after one performance, I felt confident enough in my performance that it's ready for assessment. I decided that it would be more useful if I worked on my classical monologue, Bottom's monologue from A Midsummer Night's Dream more today as it needed a lot more work done to it rather than Syme's monologue.

I began by quickly running through it to get myself familiar with the character again. I then performed it again to Ollie and asked him to give me notes on how to improve. He said he felt that as I hadn't performed this monologue in while that the energy was lacking. I totally agreed with this and I hammed up the energy a lot more in my other runthroughs. After running through it a few times, I received the following notes:

  • Slow down some of the lines. Speaking too fast can lose some of the meaning
  • Remember that your character cares for no one but himself, be more arrogant.
  • Stop furrowing your brow or you look too confused.
To combat this, I've slowed down my section when I describe my dream and used more shocked facial expressions rather than a confused furrowed brow. I've also become more self obsessed as my character and showing how amazed Bottom is with his own ability to act. Next lesson, we will be performing our monologues to be filmed and assessed.

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