Thursday 7 July 2016

Single - Contemporary Theatre Unit (1984) - Blog 23 - 07/07/16

Today we ran through everything from pg 22, the first appearance of Charrington, up to pg 44, Winston and Julia in the backroom of the Antique Shop.

When performing my Syme section without a script, I felt my characterisation was much much better. As I had learnt my lines I could focus more on how I'd say things rather than what I'd say. Also, not having a script in my hands allowed me to use gestures more often. We decided that I will have a noisy food like a packet of crisps to eat while Parsons is talking about his daughter. We discussed how my character is very comedic and is a sort of comic relief in this very dark play we've chosen. Eating a loud food will relieve the audience from what has been a dark plot for the past 26 pages.

After this scene we continued running the play up to pg 44 as we had run out of time. I feel that we would've gotten through a lot more of the play if everyone knew their lines but we still have 6 days to cram in line learning.

Next lesson, we will discuss costume and Rob and Ollie will have sorted their interrogation scene section.

After lesson, I created an event on Facebook to advertise our production:

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