Friday 15 July 2016

Double - Doctor Faustus - Blog 19 (Evaluation) - 15/07/16

What went well:
  • Everyone remembered most of their actions in physical theatre sections.
  • Ollie and I remembered the vast majority of our lines which meant the performance was consistently smooth throughout.
  • All the props were in their right places.
  • All PT sections were amazingly performed, included meaningful movement and were all performed in time with the music.
  • After discussion with the audience afterwards, it seemed they mostly understood the idea we were going for with Faustus being a computer geek and Mephistopheles being Faustus' idea of perfect; a better version of himself.
  • I feel my body language throughout the piece was very effective at portraying my characters emotions which helped a lot due to my lack of PT in this piece.
What didn't go so well:
  • At times when characters forgot their lines I had to try to recover them which went well but there was a slight pause and I feel that this was obvious to the audience.
  • Sadly due to an issue with tech and wiring, we weren't able to use the projection which Charlie created. Although this was a shame as the projection was impressive, the projection may have distracted the audience from the actual movement.
Ways we could improve:
  • Make sure we all learn our lines leading up to the performance and practise without scripts more often.
  • Invest in a longer cable to attach the projector to a laptop.

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