Friday 1 July 2016

Single - Contemporary Theatre Unit (1984) - Blog 21 - 01/07/16

Today, we spent time moving on with the narrative of 1984 by leading on to where Winston and Julia form an alliance with O'Brien. We set this out by having O'Brien's apartment set out the same way as the canteen at Winston's workplace. This subliminally suggests to the audience that O'Brien is supportive of Big Brother's views, just like Syme and Parsons and this connection of similar setting is confirmed by the appearance of Martin.

We then went on to discuss our ideas for the Room 101 scene and added other members of the class into the sections of this scene which we'd already done. For example, when Parsons shouts, "Down with big brother," we all walk in together and surround the stage in a semi circle similar to the our original opening before we came up with the concept of book club. Next lesson, we shall continue blocking Room 101 scenes. 

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