Friday 8 July 2016

Single - Contemporary Theatre Unit (1984) - Blog 24 - 08/07/16

Today, we discussed costume and spoke about how we'd adapt the drama room into our 1984 environment!

We decided for the play we'd be dressed in 1940's styled clothing which was generally smartwear such as suits and dresses. This was because we believed that George Orwell, despite predicting future inventions such as telescreens (more known as CCTV in present day) wouldn't have predicted the fashion of 1984. When browsing the clothes we already had in the costume cupboard, I found the perfect outfit for Syme. As my character is in his late 40's and is generally very dull, I feel he would dress in very bland colours like browns and greys. The items I found in the cupboard were a grey v-neck jumper and burgundy boat shoes:

I feel that these items will suit my character very well! Added to this will be black trousers, a plain white long sleeved shirt and a burgundy/dark red tie.

For book club, we'd wear the same clothes but have zip-up and pullover hoodies on over the top. This shows how the characters are completely different and distinguishes the difference in time eras as Syme is from 1984 whilst my book club character (Man) could be from as early as 2084, as it's stated in book club that the events of 1984 were at least 100 years before the era of book club.

When discussing how we'd like to adapt our acting space to the world of 1984, we thought it would look very cool to stick hundred of posters of Big Brother propaganda across the three walls surrounding our space. This would be accompanied by very few Goldstein posters to represent the rebellion; we could also have a few posters scrunched up on the floor too. Below are the three main posters we're using:

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