Wednesday 6 July 2016

Double - F(l)ight - Blog 8 - 06/07/16

Today, we performed our piece to Year 8's in the hope of recording it and having it as our final performance. After performing it, we realised there were a few issues so we decided to have this performance as a tech run to work out any issues and we decided that we would perform it for real in our Single lesson on Friday to the rest of the class and Ashley. We decided to perform it to a more mature and older audience as they would understand the more adult theme of domestic abuse and discrimination then a younger audience would. Also, they would instinctively take a further interest into the piece and look deeper into the meanings of things.

Issues and need for improvement:
  • There were gaps between each scene where the music lagged
  • The wrong song came on during Charlie's scene due to technical difficulties
We also have added projection to our performance with questions for the audience to ponder on. This allows the audience to think more deeply about what their watching.

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