Friday 1 July 2016

Double - Doctor Faustus - Blog 15 - 01/07/16

Today we ran all of Act One in it's entirety and worked out any issues.

Due to the lack of Rhiannon, we thought it would be very effective for Charlie to take on the role of Good Angel as well as his current role as Evil Angel. We thought this would be very interesting as Charlie will have to change his characterisation constantly. As Good Angel, he will have to have a strong and innocent stature and voice whilst as Evil Angel, he would have a crouched, weak and evil stature and voice.

We also put into practise the sheet part during the section where Faustus learns the dark arts from Valdes and Cornelius. Charlie and Lorna are the ones who are beneath this sheet and this went down like a treat.

When Faustus successfully summons Mephistopheles, we reuse the same floor sheet technique and as Faustus demands for the demon to take another form the sheet gets tossed aside, the chorus surrounds the opposite blocks from Faustus' desk and Mephistopheles approaches through the crowd of demons and awaits Faustus' requests.

Throughout this run through of the first act I needed only two prompts which is much more than I thought I knew. Next lesson we should continue on and run Act Two. 

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