Tuesday 19 April 2016

Single - Contemporary Theatre Unit (1984) - Blog 1 - 19/04/16

Today, we began our work on our second contemporary theatre play! We started the lesson by getting into groups (Rhiannon, Kat, Hope, Lorna/Ollie M, Charlie/Ollie K, James/Rob, Me) and began reading extracts from the play. The girls were given an extract involving the women of Troy. whilst us pairs of guys were given a duologue between Kratos, the personification of authority in all forms, and Talthybius, herald and friend of Agamemnon.

In our pairs, we read through our scripts, understood the characters and began running the scenes. In my pair, Rob played role of the scribe, Talthybius and I played the role of sarcastic and witty Kratos. We began staging the scene with a table to represent the bed and established different sides of the stage as the light side and the dark side, the dark side being where the women were from.

After rehearsing we performed our scene to the rest of the class. I found that I constantly stumbled on my words a lot but this was due to having to read from my script as I didn't know all of my lines. For a future small performance, I will try to learn all of my lines. I need to work on my diction and try my best not to slur my speech as this makes it difficult for the audience to understand what I'm saying and the meaning of the piece is lost.

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