Monday 18 April 2016

Double - Commedia Dell'arte - Blog 20 - 18/04/16

Today we evaluated where we are with our piece and which parts we need to finish/improve! Below are the scenes we need to complete still:
  • Extendo Fork
  • Oil Cocktail
  • Intro of the critic
We also discussed who we were going to have as our critics; as Ollie Marshall and Katie James were planning on watching the performance they offered to be our critics.

To finish the lesson we made a list of props and decided where we would source them. Below is our props list:
  • Packet of crisps (x7) - Ollie
  • Syrup - James
  • Letuce - Lorna
  • Plastic cups, plates and cutlery - Rhiannona and Charlie
  • Aprons - Rob
  • Saucepan and Frying Pan - Lewis

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