Monday 25 April 2016

Double - Commedia Dell'arte - Blog 21 - 25/04/16


Costume: Brown shoes (Shows filthy and dirty side), black trousers (an attempt to be smart), creased white shirt (messy), black blazer (shows maturity and age), Pantalone mask

What went well:

  • Every scene went in the correct order and we kept on focused on getting from one scene to the next
  • We all kept in character throughout the performance and remembered what we were meant to do/say
  • Our characters costumes matched our characters perfectly and our props were used very well
  • Our set design worked well with the space we had
What we needed to improve:
  • We constantly lost the voices, stance and movement of our characters throughout the entire piece; we should have made sure our characterisation was perfect
  • There were too many scenes going on at once where we interacted with each other and the audience while our main scene was going on. This lead to us speaking over each other.
  • I felt very lost during the performance due to having long moments without planned interaction. There was a point where I was sitting at my table, alone, for ages with no one to interact with.
  • Those on "the restaurant floor" were fine but when in the kitchen, we were far too quiet and the audience couldn't hear us from across the venue; we needed to project our voices more.

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