Tuesday 2 May 2017

Single - Site Specific - Blog 8 - 02/05/17

Today we cut our second scene in our version of The Crucible: Act 1 Scene 2. We chose this scene as it's extremely crucial at highlighting the affair between John and Abigail and the effect it had on him and his wife, Elizabeth. We cut the beginning as we felt it wasn't needed and went from midway through the section between Elizabeth and Proctor onwards. We cut out most of the parts which we deemed irrelevant and repetitive which left us with a much shorter script. This will be very helpful with learning lines and turning a 3 hour play into hopefully an hour (approx.) long version. We also cast the entire play today as well after reading through Act 1: Scene 2 and Act 2: Scene 2 (this will be our third scene in our version as it leads on nicely from the previous scene). Below is our cast including two Year 12's to play minor roles as we haven't got enough cast members in our class:

Abigail - Hope
Mary Warren - Kat
Elizabeth Proctor - Lorna
Tituba - Taylor (Y12)
Betty Parris - Chloe (Y12)
John Proctor - Ollie K
Reverend Hale - Rob
Judge Danforth - Lewis
Ezekiel Cheever - Ollie M
Reverend Parris - James

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