Friday 12 May 2017

Double - TIE - Blog 2 - 12/05/17

Today we blocked everything from pages 22-36. This included the first fairy scene and continued on to where the lovers get mixed about. This is where I really needed to establish my characterisation as I needed to use very different body language and voice for each of my three characters. I feel that although he has the strongest emotions out of all of my characters, Lysander is by far weakest, especially when his competition is the leader of a theatre group and the king of the fairies.

For Oberon, I took a much stronger stance compared my other characters but chose not to worry too much about characterisation as we will focus on differentiating our characters tomorrow.

After this the blocking went very well and I feel that our performance is becoming stronger and stronger. We agreed that we'd look further into the meaning of our lines and try to learn them as soon as possible as knowing our lines will make it easier to perform them with meaning.

Next lesson, we will work on characterisation and block more scenes.

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