Monday 15 May 2017

Double - TIE - Blog 3 - 15/05/17

Today we worked on our characterisation and then blocked pages 37-47, the second Mechanicals scene.

Firstly, we thought about our characters in general and thought about their motives throughout the play. Lysander starts off wanting to be with Hermia no matter what it takes, then after being manipulated, courtesy of Puck, he falls in love with Helena and wants to be with her for all of eternity. In the end, it all sorts itself out and he goes back to loving Hermia once again.

Oberon starts off wanting revenge on his wife Titania along with wanting poor Helena to be loved. Once, he realises the mess that Puck has made of it, he wants to return everything back to normal.

Finally, Quince constantly wants control. Control over the Mechanicals and control over the production which he is slowly losing because of Bottom. When Bottom gets turned into an ass, Quince wants to get away from him even more than usual. Later on, he actually wants to find Bottom otherwise their play can't go on.

We then started blocking pages 37-47; this is the second Mechanical scene which involves them getting their teeth into the play and Bottom's transformation into an ass.

Next lesson, we will continue to speed our way through this script. Our goal is to get through the script quickly and then work on more of the script.

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