Wednesday, 7 June 2017

Double - TIE - Blog 8 - 07/06/17

Today we spent our lesson looking at costume ideas for our characters. We recorded all of our ideas down on the mindmap and filmed part of the discussion. Below is the mindmap with a tracking of our thought process and the recording of our discussion:
Full costume? - too expensive and not enough time to get changed - if we had a bigger cast and budget then it could possibly have worked.
Moschino cardboard clothing at Milan Fashion Week - flat costumes which are easy to take off - not very easy to move
Shirts and trousers with representational props - effective at displaying characters while still looking authentic - not very easy for movement.
Perform in own clothes - very true to the style of Shakespearean actors who wore their own clothes in performances - not suitable for a performance at all and doesn't distinguish our characters apart from each other.
All blacks - no need to get changed - easier to move in than full costume - not very good at portraying our characters/relies entirely on our characterisation to differentiate our characters
Blacks with minimal representative costume - ideal for multi-roling - not bad for movement - not much change needed for each character (e.g. hat taken off, jacket put on)

When/where are we going to set it? - What will they wear based on this?
Set it in modern day? - in school (the lovers being students, Theseus and co would be teachers etc, The Mechanicals being the drama kids, the fairies being caretakers - doesn't suit the story at all.

Set in a timeless era but characters wear clothes based on their type of character in the era:

Fairies as New York gangsters? - literally in a different world to the rest of the characters - we tried a scene but felt that the accent wasn't for everyone and we needed to make it as convincing as possible - Fairies as "chavs"? - makes the very different to the rest of the cast and provides a lot of comedy (classical words being pronounced very commonly) - this worked well when we ran a scene.

The Royals and Lovers all being very upper class but Lysander and Hermia being dressed more rebelliously to show how anarchic their relationship is in the eyes of Egeus - Royals dressed in waistcoats etc - Demetrius in a smart blazer or more youthful waistcoat - Lysander and Hermia dressed down in a flannel shirt/hoodie but still well spoken to show they're still upper class (unlike the Fairies)

The Mechanicals all villagers? - tides in well with Quince's longing to perform to the Duke - possibly have them as a random group of characters from all corners of the UK/world - didn't have time to experiment with this but will give it a go next lesson

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