We started by watching a video (click here to go to the video) introducing us to some of the stock characters in Commedia Dell'arte. We learnt that the characters were ordered in a hierarchy of status and power with the Magnifico at the top and Zanni at the bottom. Looking at these characters helps us understand how Commedia Dell'arte is performed. We also learnt from the video that most actors performed with masks and that the characters with long noses are considered dumb and stupid. We learnt that lot of the time, the characters didn't speak English but they spoke a language called, "Gromalot."
Gromalot, is a style of language used in satirical theatre. It's a gibberish with macaronic and onomatopoeic elements, used in association with mime and mimicry. The fact that it's gibberish makes the actual language non-understandable unless spoken with emotion. When said bluntly, it means nothing but with emotion the language can be as easily understandable as English.
We spent time performing as four of the characters in Commedia Dell'arte: Magnifico, Zanni, Brighella and Harlequin! We spent time learning about their personality and how each one moves. Below is their characteristics and how they move.
- Magnifico: Looks down on everything and everyone, leader, when one dies another automatically appears, the most powerful, very wise, from Magnifico comes the other masters (Pantalone & The Doctor) leads from the chest, high, takes up as much room on the stage as physically possible, doesn't care for anyone
- Zanni: Peseant, everything is extraordinary to him, curious, enthusiastic, servant to Magnifico, from Zanni comes the other servants (Brighella & Harlequin) lead from the nose, low, arms up at shoulder height, feet out in front as they want to come up
- Brighella: cunning, master of servants and servant of master, uniform, proud, welcoming, womaniser, fall in love easily, selfish, leads from head, arms at shoulder height, elbows out, higher than Zanni but still low, direct movement
- Harlequin: thinks he's gorgeous, confident, amoral, lives in the moment, acrobatic, cheeky, always hungry, playful, leads from crotch, very loose but heavy hands, indirect movement
We walked around as each character and started pairing few of them up! We got into pairs of Magnificos and Zannis and performed a short piece and then got into pairs of Brighellas and Harlequins. This helped us analyse how each character works and how we would put them into action.
Finally, we split the class in half (Rob, Ollie & James/ Charlie, Lorna & Me) and each group had to choose 3 characters and who would play them to create a short story. Our group chose the characters Magnifico (Lewis), Brighella (Lorna) and Harlequin (Charlie). This was our story outline:
- Magnifico commands Brighella to get something done then exits
- Brighella obliges politely
- Brighella telling Harlequin what needs to be done but Harlequin doesn't care and laughs
- Magnifico enters and demands to know whether what he wanted done is done and gets angry when he finds its not
- Brighella tries again to tell Harlequin what to do but Harlequin continues to laugh her off
- Brighella tells Magnifico that Harlequin isn't listening to her but he sends her off
- Brighella tells Harlequin what to do and he laughs at her but he, once again, laughs her off
- Brighella thinks of a plan to pretend to be Magnifico to get Harlequin to do what she told him to do
- Brighella pretends to be Magnifico to get Harlequin to do something but he realises it's her and (surprise, surprise) laughs at her
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